Sunday Worship Gatherings
10:10 AM RENEW RENEW worship experience is about energizing and renewing the spirit and mind in a way that we hope is engaging to anyone seeking a non-traditional yet thoughtful worship time. Sunday's sermon is shared and songs are led by a team that usually includes guitars, drums, keyboards, and singers. Kids' Church is offered during this service, and on the third Sunday of most months children are invited to be in worship with us for a special Children's Time at RENEW. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month.
8:30 AM traditional Our traditional worship service will likely bring back memories of childhood church experiences (hopefully the good ones!). Hymns accompanied by First's powerful pipe organ, a robed choir, and some formal touches combine with the Sunday sermon to bring an inspiring worship experience. Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of the month.
7:30 AM chapel Offered in the intimate setting of First's Chapel, Chapel Service has a warm family "feeling". Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of the month.
coffee, donuts, and more Every Sunday our Fellowship Hall is open from 8:15 to 10:00 AM for donuts, coffee, and other breakfast goodies. Suggested donation is $2. There's also a coffee cart in the Sanctuary for those who can't get to the Fellowship Hall.